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reading today that the US annual debt payment for the first 11 months of the fiscal year was over a trillion dollars..... this is unsustainable and is downright irresponsible as the adult generation to be leaving this shit show to our kids and grandchildren ( assuming I ever have any of the later ).  

I am not sure how we get the message to DC,  but the only realistic solution is a combination of spending cuts,  with corresponding tax increases ( or letting tax breaks expire )  this needs to be across the board,  hitting everyone that lives in the US,   and especially those whose business interests are protected by US military presences around the globe... or just get the US military out of places that dont have direct strategic advantages for domestic protection.

The spending and govt run programs are out of control,  the size of our govt is out of control,  I think Trump is right that we need to give it a major hair cut. right now our federal govt is treating all the govt entities below it like baby chicks in a nest,  there was a time with city, county, and state would tax and spend at an appropriate level to meet the needs of their respective areas,  now we have the feds sucking up a larger and larger % of tax dollars and the local entities are typically scraping by to make ends meet,  and the only hope of improvement is by stretching their necks to the sky and opening their beaks in hopes that the mother bird will puke some tax dollars back to the locals.  The problem with this is there is so much waste,  these programs are built with little to no oversite,  or some much red tape that they are useless,  no common sense,  no middle ground,  they are either un unusable or a complete waste of money.

I dont see a solution coming from either candidate Trump honestly doesnt have the clout in DC that it would take to get the RINOS to fall in line,  and Harris has no incentive or directive to change the status quo.  this is one time at least where I agree with Zanary... this system needs to be imploded,  but its not going to happen from top down.  IMO the only way to put real fear into the current system is to destroy the roots, vote for the challenger ( at least when they are up against candidates that have a shitty track record,  unless the challenger has very clear ties to the current problem )  State races will affect national candidates sooner that an out of right field national candidate for president would,  and its a lot easier and typically cheaper for them to get their message out at the state and local level in order to build a name for themselves.... the trick is to keep them clean and accountable in DC while they build a name that will make them a viable presidential candidate. (getting tougher to even do that at the state level!!!)

Like I mentioned in another thread... under 2 years to our 250th birthday... I am just not seeing a reason to celebrate at this point.

Given that Trumplestilskin's policies added a whisker under $5 trillion to the US debt BEFORE Covid costs are factored in (I don't blame him for that, just as I don't credit sleepy Joe for gains coming out of it)...

...why assume improvement under his return? His vindictiveness alone this time around makes me think his first year will be, as he's said, focused on revenge and bloody executive orders.

The gop has an embarrassing history with debt. So does the dnc, but the gop NEVER delivers on the "shrink government/taxes" platform for more than a blink.

Trump isnt running the republican game plan, cant keep saying he is tied to their history, his plans align more with traditional conservative doctrine, but certainly isnt in step with the power brokers from the party, otherwise you wouldnt have all the known old names coming out in supoort of Harris.

Even here in SD, about as red as it gets, the republican party is fractured pretty badly, Noem and other RINOs are losing steam as a vocal and active younger group are challenging for party control. Gonna be fireworks in Pierre next winter, just as we need to see the same in every state, on both sides of the aisle, the old school leadership and their special interests need to be put down.

(09-14-2024, 09:49 AM)JimmyinSD Wrote: Trump isnt running the republican game plan, cant keep saying he is tied to their history,  his plans align more with traditional conservative doctrine, but certainly isnt in step with the power brokers from the party,  otherwise you wouldnt have all the known old names coming out in supoort of Harris. 

Even here in SD,  about as red as it gets,  the republican party is fractured pretty badly,  Noem and other RINOs are losing steam as a vocal and active younger group are challenging for party control.  Gonna be fireworks in Pierre next winter,  just as we need to see the same in every state,  on both sides of the aisle,  the old school leadership and their special interests need to be put down.

I'm hoping...believe it or not...that the gop remembers actual middle America, and also remembers that if they want to have governance at the federal level, they need to utterly give up on both stubborn "this is how we've done it in the Bible Belt" and "this is how we do it in MAGA country"...because, both have very limited lives in the current information age.

I've said before, I used to hold out huge hope for Rubio. If he'd stayed more moderate, he could've been a younger, fresher step forward in the legit persona of a son of Cuban immigrants. He could have shown the horrid "Uncle Tom" BS from the DNC for what it is, he could have been a healthy break from the nasty old hard-right racists/nationalists that still poison the party, and he had the charisma along with the TV chops to debate with more facts than lies/hyperbole.

Essentially, he WAS the male Nikki Haley in many ways...before he started signing on with some of the hardliners.

The party needs to get past the orange phase, dump the MTG/Boeher/Lake shrieking whackos that spend far more time making noise than sense/facts, and maybe try and...wait for it...SET SOME FUGGING EXAMPLES as long as they're going to have typical partisan outrage at anything from the hollywood left.

If you can't walk it, don't talk it. The gop lost that message a long time ago. Lost me and many others at the same time.

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