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South Africa has started legal proceedings against Israel to get them to stop their genocide
South Africa has started legal proceedings at the International Court of Justice against Israel for their genocide and apartheid against Palestine.  Here is a link at the UN where South Africa documents why this is considered genocide and apartheid.  The first pdf is a summary and the 2nd pdf (84 pages) has the bulk of the documentation.  You can find it on this page:

Some interesting quotes:
  • South Africa and other States
    Parties to the Genocide Convention have, in particular, made clear that Israel’s actions in Gaza
    constitute genocide against the Palestinian people. By way of example, the Presidents of Algeria,9 Bolivia,10 Brazil,11 Colombia,12 Cuba,13 Iran,14 Türkiye,15 and Venezuela16 have all described Israel’s
    actions as a genocide, as has the Palestinian President.17 State officials and representatives from
    Bangladesh,18 Egypt,19 Honduras,20 Iraq,21 Jordan,22 Libya,23 Malaysia,24 Namibia,25 Pakistan,26 Syria,27 and Tunisia,28 have also referred to genocide or the risk thereof in Gaza;
  • 19.  60 per cent of Gaza’s housing stock in Gaza has been damaged or destroyed.59
  • 29. The Commission found that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli snipers “intentionally shot” children, knowing them to be children,114 and they also “intentionally shot” health workers and journalists “despite seeing that they were clearly marked as such”. 115 It further found “reasonable grounds to believe” that Israeli snipers shot disabled demonstrators “intentionally, despite seeing that they had visible disabilities” and despite them not presenting an imminent threat.116
  • 43.  At the same time Palestinian
    journalists are being killed at a rate significantly higher than has occurred in any conflict in the past 100
    years. In the two months since 7 October 2023, the number of journalists killed already exceeded that
    of the entirety of World War II.175
  • 46.  Attacks on Palestinian homes and residential blocks account for a significant number of the dead, 193 with Israel reportedly using Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) to generate up to 100 bombing targets per day.194
  • 49. Doctors, journalists, teachers, academics and other professionals are also being killed at wholly
    unprecedented rates. To date, Israel has killed: over 311 doctors, nurses and other health workers,
    including doctors and ambulance drivers killed on duty;208 103 journalists, amounting to over one per
    day,209 and more than 73 per cent of the total number of journalists and media workers killed globally
    in 2023;210 40 civil defence workers — responsible for helping to dig victims out of the rubble — killed
    while on duty; and over 209 teachers and educational staff.211 144 United Nations employees have also
    been killed, the “highest number of aid workers killed in UN history in such a short time”.212
  • 92.   Israel has damaged or destroyed an estimated 318 Muslim and Christian religious sites, demolishing the places where Palestinians have worshipped for generations.413
  • 142. As of the date of this application, an estimated 21,110 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza,
    including at least 7,729 children. 55,243 Palestinians have been injured, including at least 8,663
    children, of whom over 1,000 are amputees, disabled for life. Approximately 70 per cent of those killed
    are said to be women and children. One Palestinian child in Gaza has been killed approximately every
    15 minutes since Israel commenced military action in Gaza on 7 October 2023. Thousands more are
    missing under the rubble. 61 hospitals and health care facilities in Gaza have been damaged or
    destroyed; many have been placed under siege or have been subjected to forced evacuation, and only
    13 hospitals are still partially functional, weighed under by mass overcrowding. 

Where the asterisk that says "as reported by hamas " ?

I have a hard time believing about anything coming from Gaza at this time,  or even any media in general.  It seems odd that if all these atrocities were true that we wouldn't see more eastern European countries on the list of accusers.  I see a bunch of Muslim countries or countries know to support terrorist activities and questionable government practices themselves. 

I'm not saying innocent women and children havent been injured or killed,  but I have a hard time believing that Israeli soldiers are targeting non combatant intentionally.   More likely hamas shit bags are using them as human shields and they are collateral damage,  or events by a few rogue soldiers.

South Africa, lmao. Trying to wash that past away, huh? Same thing as Saudi Arabia 'sportswashing' with LIV. 

War is hell. I have zero doubt horrible things are happening to Palestinian civilians. Its a complicated issue without a doubt. But South Africa....shut the f*ck up.


Quote: @"JimmyinSD" said:
Where the asterisk that says "as reported by hamas " ?

I have a hard time believing about anything coming from Gaza at this time,  or even any media in general.  It seems odd that if all these atrocities were true that we wouldn't see more eastern European countries on the list of accusers.  I see a bunch of Muslim countries or countries know to support terrorist activities and questionable government practices themselves. 

I'm not saying innocent women and children havent been injured or killed,  but I have a hard time believing that Israeli soldiers are targeting non combatant intentionally.   More likely hamas shit bags are using them as human shields and they are collateral damage,  or events by a few rogue soldiers.
Everything in the report is cited.  You can see which ones were coming from Hamas and which were coming from other sources such as the UN.

When Israel stated that all innocents must leave the area,
they declared that anyone remaining behind is automatically an enemy combatant.  They also bombed the so called safe zones.  It is physically impossible for Israel to
precision strike “bad guys”.  It is way
too population dense.  It would be like trying
to use bombs or missiles in Manhattan to kill a handful of terrorists.  Each bomb that goes off is going to kill or
injure many more civilians than terrorists. 
At some point, if you’re killing vastly more innocents than terrorists,
you’re probably not too worried about killing innocents.  Also, who verifies that people are actually
terrorists?  Is Israel publishing a list
of the names of the people they’re intending to kill with each bomb or are they
just saying, “We’re sure a bad guy was there, but you’ll have to trust us”?

Here’s a link in the new yorker, discussing snipers picking
off protesters.

Kills Dozens of Mostly Unarmed Protesters in Gaza as Jared Kushner Speaks of
Peace, in Jerusalem | The New Yorker

Israel was created by the west.  Israel is a part of the west.  The west always ignores atrocities committed
by it’s own.  I would imagine that you’ll
never find a NATO country that is critical of the west as they’re primarily
dependent on the US for protection until they’re ready to join BRICS.


Oh, here we go.

First, the "colonizer/occupier" BS that's everywhere on social media: ask Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait what happens when "coexistence" with Palestinians gets involved. For those who haven't done the reading, there's at least one PM assassination, a "state within a state" situation that still has Lebanon a gruesome, bloody shadow of what was, and a bunch of Saddam's cronies that got kicked out.

We could argue the whole "who's land" bit, but every time I bring up Judea and the sheer number of oppressors/occupiers/colonizers in history, the subject inevitably gets changed. The fact that "Palestine" is a leftover word from a Roman conqueror that's centuries newer is, well, "hateful" to bring is the Quran mentioning Jews being named "children of Israel".

All that out of the way...

...I pretty thoroughly despise Netanyahu, as he's a power-mongering s**t not all that different from Putin in terms of jealous demagaugery. That said, he approached Egypt, directly and through us, to get Egypt to take refugees during this war. Egypt, being consistent in NOT wanting Iranian terror proxies in their country (again/more), declined. So, "Bibi" might be slightly less horrid than I give him credit for.

What so many fail to grasp is that hamas is a pure evil group, and that the Palestinians, who do have a bloody recent history of their own, remember, elected them. hamas (no, I will not capitalize those s**t cowards) has basically stolen most of the aid money/supplies from Gaza since 2006, and spent it on tunnels (popping up in hospitals, mosques, homes, kids' rooms, parks, etc) and missiles/guns/bombs. Tens of thousand of missiles have been raining on Israel during and since 10/7, and thousands more before that. The fact that the horror show in October was so absolutely unthinkable, so chilling, is why the response will likely be as horrible as it has to be as well.

What's more horrible, however, is the resulting fiction. Folks, the only "genocide" is the CLEARLY AND DIRECTLY STATED GOALS of leaders of both hamas and hezbollah, who have stated that they're prepared to keep attacking and "martyring" as many as needed until Israel and the Zionists are destroyed. They've been straight up, clear, absolutely unashamed of this.

Meanwhile, our airports, streets, businesses, and colleges are being delayed, harrassed, and accosted by packs of shrieking idiots and full-on hostiles LYING about "gEnoCide" (Israel has let in thousands of aid trucks, treated many of the Gazan wounded, etc,, and dressing increasingly in hamas/hezbollah garb with swastikas displayed. Jewish citizens here are being harrassed and assaulted, their businesses vandalized and harrassed as well, and our basic rights of passage are being dominated by...liars, who are supporting terrorist filth.

This isn't about race/geneology/etc. This is about a horrific pack of rapists/murderers/kidnappers that are trying to terrify the world at large in a huge blast of antisemitic hatred.

Cuff them, cage them, drop them in Gaza. If they want to get violent, kid glove time is long past.

Yes, I want the innocents spared, always. That said, the Palestinian Authority has been busted, often, by the EU for putting anti-Jew/Israel materials into kids' textbooks, TV shows, and so on. Those tunnels are huge, and weren't built by gunmen. The logistics of all the weaponry take a LOT of people.

Figuring out the "innocents" is pretty difficult, I wouldn't know where to begin.

Quote: @"medaille" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
Where the asterisk that says "as reported by hamas " ?

I have a hard time believing about anything coming from Gaza at this time,  or even any media in general.  It seems odd that if all these atrocities were true that we wouldn't see more eastern European countries on the list of accusers.  I see a bunch of Muslim countries or countries know to support terrorist activities and questionable government practices themselves. 

I'm not saying innocent women and children havent been injured or killed,  but I have a hard time believing that Israeli soldiers are targeting non combatant intentionally.   More likely hamas shit bags are using them as human shields and they are collateral damage,  or events by a few rogue soldiers.
Everything in the report is cited.  You can see which ones were coming from Hamas and which were coming from other sources such as the UN.

When Israel stated that all innocents must leave the area,
they declared that anyone remaining behind is automatically an enemy combatant.  They also bombed the so called safe zones.  It is physically impossible for Israel to
precision strike “bad guys”.  It is way
too population dense.  It would be like trying
to use bombs or missiles in Manhattan to kill a handful of terrorists.  Each bomb that goes off is going to kill or
injure many more civilians than terrorists. 
At some point, if you’re killing vastly more innocents than terrorists,
you’re probably not too worried about killing innocents.  Also, who verifies that people are actually
terrorists?  Is Israel publishing a list
of the names of the people they’re intending to kill with each bomb or are they
just saying, “We’re sure a bad guy was there, but you’ll have to trust us”?

Here’s a link in the new yorker, discussing snipers picking
off protesters.

Kills Dozens of Mostly Unarmed Protesters in Gaza as Jared Kushner Speaks of
Peace, in Jerusalem | The New Yorker

Israel was created by the west.  Israel is a part of the west.  The west always ignores atrocities committed
by it’s own.  I would imagine that you’ll
never find a NATO country that is critical of the west as they’re primarily
dependent on the US for protection until they’re ready to join BRICS.

my point being,  I have lost the ability to blindly trust sources anymore,  I dont think anything is being put out for our consumption with truth being the guiding principal.  It seems there is always something behind the reports trying to push an angle or agenda, and those are typically driven by profits for someone somewhere. I dont really follow NY sources as I think they have been some of  the worst when it comes to worrying about checking their sources, or delivering an unbiased piece. ( even the ones that support my beliefs )  the whole north east part of the US seems to be a soup bowl of shit when it comes to the media.

I really have about zero support for the UN and even less faith,  to many stories of their bull shit from my brother whos unit was attached to provide security for UN troops in Iraq, as well as other friends that have been tied in with UN missions in the past,   a joke of an organization when it comes to shit like this.  I am not sure what role they should even have in the world any longer as well as if the US should even be tied to them. 

I dont know that I have seen any confirmed stated goals for the future of Gaza from Israel,  but I doubt they intend to wipe out all those there,  and the more war atrocities they commit the harder it will for them to accomplish what they want to do with this offensive,  as well as establishing anything that is less of a threat for post war Gaza.  Hell at some point their own people would rise up and demand it cease ( remember about 20% of the population of Israel is Muslim) 

Just stop killing people.  Everyone.

I really hope that this gets spread around, as it's a good explanation of something that's at the heart of a TON of disinformation.

She's far more eloquent than I am.


Quote: @"JimmyinSD" said:
@"medaille" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
Where the asterisk that says "as reported by hamas " ?

I have a hard time believing about anything coming from Gaza at this time,  or even any media in general.  It seems odd that if all these atrocities were true that we wouldn't see more eastern European countries on the list of accusers.  I see a bunch of Muslim countries or countries know to support terrorist activities and questionable government practices themselves. 

I'm not saying innocent women and children havent been injured or killed,  but I have a hard time believing that Israeli soldiers are targeting non combatant intentionally.   More likely hamas shit bags are using them as human shields and they are collateral damage,  or events by a few rogue soldiers.
Everything in the report is cited.  You can see which ones were coming from Hamas and which were coming from other sources such as the UN.

When Israel stated that all innocents must leave the area,
they declared that anyone remaining behind is automatically an enemy combatant.  They also bombed the so called safe zones.  It is physically impossible for Israel to
precision strike “bad guys”.  It is way
too population dense.  It would be like trying
to use bombs or missiles in Manhattan to kill a handful of terrorists.  Each bomb that goes off is going to kill or
injure many more civilians than terrorists. 
At some point, if you’re killing vastly more innocents than terrorists,
you’re probably not too worried about killing innocents.  Also, who verifies that people are actually
terrorists?  Is Israel publishing a list
of the names of the people they’re intending to kill with each bomb or are they
just saying, “We’re sure a bad guy was there, but you’ll have to trust us”?

Here’s a link in the new yorker, discussing snipers picking
off protesters.

Kills Dozens of Mostly Unarmed Protesters in Gaza as Jared Kushner Speaks of
Peace, in Jerusalem | The New Yorker

Israel was created by the west.  Israel is a part of the west.  The west always ignores atrocities committed
by it’s own.  I would imagine that you’ll
never find a NATO country that is critical of the west as they’re primarily
dependent on the US for protection until they’re ready to join BRICS.

my point being,  I have lost the ability to blindly trust sources anymore,  I dont think anything is being put out for our consumption with truth being the guiding principal.  It seems there is always something behind the reports trying to push an angle or agenda, and those are typically driven by profits for someone somewhere. I dont really follow NY sources as I think they have been some of  the worst when it comes to worrying about checking their sources, or delivering an unbiased piece. ( even the ones that support my beliefs )  the whole north east part of the US seems to be a soup bowl of shit when it comes to the media.

I really have about zero support for the UN and even less faith,  to many stories of their bull shit from my brother whos unit was attached to provide security for UN troops in Iraq, as well as other friends that have been tied in with UN missions in the past,   a joke of an organization when it comes to shit like this.  I am not sure what role they should even have in the world any longer as well as if the US should even be tied to them. 

I dont know that I have seen any confirmed stated goals for the future of Gaza from Israel,  but I doubt they intend to wipe out all those there,  and the more war atrocities they commit the harder it will for them to accomplish what they want to do with this offensive,  as well as establishing anything that is less of a threat for post war Gaza.  Hell at some point their own people would rise up and demand it cease ( remember about 20% of the population of Israel is Muslim) 
I have seen credible people claim Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, PLO, and Al Qaeda are ALL constructs of Mossad, MI6, and the CIA.  Funded and controlled therein for psyop purposes.  Jimmy, I agree 100% I don't trust ANYTHING anymore.  For all of the bloodshed we here about in the Russo-Ukraine conflict where are the videos of combat?  Where are the embeds and do people REALLY believe that Russia couldn't CURB STOMP the Ukrainian armed forces in 2 weeks if they wanted to???  NONE of this adds up AT ALL.  

Quote: @"Chuckf" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
@"medaille" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
Where the asterisk that says "as reported by hamas " ?

I have a hard time believing about anything coming from Gaza at this time,  or even any media in general.  It seems odd that if all these atrocities were true that we wouldn't see more eastern European countries on the list of accusers.  I see a bunch of Muslim countries or countries know to support terrorist activities and questionable government practices themselves. 

I'm not saying innocent women and children havent been injured or killed,  but I have a hard time believing that Israeli soldiers are targeting non combatant intentionally.   More likely hamas shit bags are using them as human shields and they are collateral damage,  or events by a few rogue soldiers.
Everything in the report is cited.  You can see which ones were coming from Hamas and which were coming from other sources such as the UN.

When Israel stated that all innocents must leave the area,
they declared that anyone remaining behind is automatically an enemy combatant.  They also bombed the so called safe zones.  It is physically impossible for Israel to
precision strike “bad guys”.  It is way
too population dense.  It would be like trying
to use bombs or missiles in Manhattan to kill a handful of terrorists.  Each bomb that goes off is going to kill or
injure many more civilians than terrorists. 
At some point, if you’re killing vastly more innocents than terrorists,
you’re probably not too worried about killing innocents.  Also, who verifies that people are actually
terrorists?  Is Israel publishing a list
of the names of the people they’re intending to kill with each bomb or are they
just saying, “We’re sure a bad guy was there, but you’ll have to trust us”?

Here’s a link in the new yorker, discussing snipers picking
off protesters.

Kills Dozens of Mostly Unarmed Protesters in Gaza as Jared Kushner Speaks of
Peace, in Jerusalem | The New Yorker

Israel was created by the west.  Israel is a part of the west.  The west always ignores atrocities committed
by it’s own.  I would imagine that you’ll
never find a NATO country that is critical of the west as they’re primarily
dependent on the US for protection until they’re ready to join BRICS.

my point being,  I have lost the ability to blindly trust sources anymore,  I dont think anything is being put out for our consumption with truth being the guiding principal.  It seems there is always something behind the reports trying to push an angle or agenda, and those are typically driven by profits for someone somewhere. I dont really follow NY sources as I think they have been some of  the worst when it comes to worrying about checking their sources, or delivering an unbiased piece. ( even the ones that support my beliefs )  the whole north east part of the US seems to be a soup bowl of shit when it comes to the media.

I really have about zero support for the UN and even less faith,  to many stories of their bull shit from my brother whos unit was attached to provide security for UN troops in Iraq, as well as other friends that have been tied in with UN missions in the past,   a joke of an organization when it comes to shit like this.  I am not sure what role they should even have in the world any longer as well as if the US should even be tied to them. 

I dont know that I have seen any confirmed stated goals for the future of Gaza from Israel,  but I doubt they intend to wipe out all those there,  and the more war atrocities they commit the harder it will for them to accomplish what they want to do with this offensive,  as well as establishing anything that is less of a threat for post war Gaza.  Hell at some point their own people would rise up and demand it cease ( remember about 20% of the population of Israel is Muslim) 
I have seen credible people claim Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, PLO, and Al Qaeda are ALL constructs of Mossad, MI6, and the CIA.  Funded and controlled therein for psyop purposes.  Jimmy, I agree 100% I don't trust ANYTHING anymore.  For all of the bloodshed we here about in the Russo-Ukraine conflict where are the videos of combat?  Where are the embeds and do people REALLY believe that Russia couldn't CURB STOMP the Ukrainian armed forces in 2 weeks if they wanted to???  NONE of this adds up AT ALL.  
Actually, that one I can believe, and easily.

A friend of a friend was among the weapons inspectors after Ron and Gorby broke bread.  He was at my friend's place for dinner, and was telling us that half of Russia's silos were full of water from poor maintenance, much of what we thought were T-72 or  T-80 tanks were trucks with fake mockups on top to fool satellites, and he reminded us that their automakers were still buying/copying castoff tech from FIAT and others.

Russia pretends like a boss, but the oligarchs like their toys more than they like their country. For every new MiG that they try and wow with at airshows, it seems like you find out later that it's huge, it's heavy, it has terrible range, etc etc etc.

This isn't a new pattern at all.

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