11-25-2024, 02:41 PM
What a ride! Day turned out to be a bit nicer than forecast, hazy sunshine for 3 quarters of the game, colder the last quarter. Full house. Got on the field pregame for the Field Passes, was able to say hi to KOC, Flores and Zygi. KOC walked by me and I yelled, 'Go get 'em, Coach!' and he turned, smiled and gave me the thumbs up. Probably 15% percent Viking's fans in the stands, nice showing.
9-2 baby!!
- Field grass was cut short but seemed in decent condition.
- Bear's fans were pretty into it, good vibe in the stadium.
- Caleb Williams was so close to being sacked, intercepted, etc. on several plays but he's elusive, man. Sturdy kid up close.
- Good Sam showed up, some incredible throws. 4th quarter and overtime he delivered big time. He's going to hold the ball, its just what he does. Yesterday he ate it with sacks instead of throwing INTs....an improvement for sure.
- I won't belabor the obvious points of the game, but I had a bad feeling when they didn't get the 4th and 1 late. It was the right call, but the team needed that. Stupid onside kick, the stadium went apeshit.
- John Parker Romo has a big leg, another stellar outing. Will the Thrill looked irritated pregame, I think he's bummed about being injured.
- Kevin Warren was there and he knew the people standing next to us on the field pregame and stopped to chat with them.
- Had fun at the hotel bar afterwards with some Vikings and Bears fans.
9-2 baby!!