Full Version: OT You ever hear someone get murdered?
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The house 500 yards from mine. A person was murdered tonight. Heard the shots. Neighbor heard the screams. 

Kinda thinking it’s a guy who fished my pond all the time based on the description. 

Crazy thing is we had a deadly fire a few months ago. I gotta find a better place to live!!
Yeah, some things you don't want to hear. A buddy who's an EMT said people make certain sounds when they are incredibly anguished, incredibly scared or in incredible pain. Like guttural horrible sounds and screams you can't unhear. War veterans say they've heard grown men crying and screaming for their mothers when dying on the battlefield.

Years ago somewhere on the 'Net, the audio of that dude that lived with the Grizzlies in Alaska was out there where he was eaten alive. He had a camcorder going but it fell over and the audio kept recording. I listened to it and immediately wished I wouldn't have. Just unreal. The fear and pain in his voice while it was happening was horrifying. It doesn't exist out there anymore, it was removed.
Yes, when I lived in a bad neighborhood years ago. Also knew a guy who committed a murder back in 84. No one saw that coming. Not a pleasant subject.
Ended up being the guy who I knew quite well. He was a drunk. It sounds like the family tried stopping him from going to the liquor store. He shot his brother in law then shot himself. My daughter and I heard the shots. Kids have been shaken all day.
(11-06-2024, 08:44 PM)AGRforever Wrote: [ -> ]Ended up being the guy who I knew quite well. He was a drunk. It sounds like the family tried stopping him from going to the liquor store. He shot his brother in law then shot himself. My daughter and I heard the shots. Kids have been shaken all day.

Sad story.
I’m sorry to hear that, AGR. I hope you and your kids get some peace.
Thats a lot of trauma AGR...I'm sorry you guys had to endure that, take care of the kiddos. Best wishes to your neighbors too.
That will stick with yall for life. You get numb, but you will never forget.
0.64 Blood alcohol level. Not missing a zero. Had to ask twice. He should have died from alcohol poisoning. Shot the guy right in the heart. Kind of surprised he could even point in the right direction.

He was going to drive to get more. The husband he killed had 3 kids.

What the actual F?

"People sleep peaceably at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf".
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