More nonsense from my home State. Even a Biden appointed Judge throws out lawsuit objecting to requiring a witness for Absentee ballots saying lawsuit by Democratic law firm didn't make any sense. Also, Democrats fighting against the law that prevents unmonitored ballot boxes. Why is it that every objection/lawsuit makes it easier to cheat?
I got no issue with some of the ballot improvements being bantered about. Elections we can all trust are important. I also believe some will never be assured enough and they are the ones who will always plant seeds of mistrust.
Ive learned over time I am not a progressive Dem on many issues and I can't plug my nose enough to vote for someone like a Trump and the policies he puts forward.
I'm an unhappy voter is what I am.
Before I make my next point, I apparently need to post very regular reminders that my preferred 2024 Prez Election result would be...that both old codgers were locked away for past offenses, and then used as cell block party favors while real candidates were elected.
I also think that 2 parties for over 300 million people in a large country is far beyond ludicrous, and guarantees the useless "us vs them" binary thinking that destroys the country.
(I have to repeat this often, or I get accused of picking on the gop regardless how many times I've referred to Sleepy Joe as a vacuous waste of carbon and oxygen. I don't get it either.)
IN ANY CASE...something that people don't seem to consider, much: how they LOVE their dramatic, POLARIZING candidate...until they see how many people said candidate repels.
I agree that our current political skidmark staining the Oval Office is unlikely to have attracted 80 million votes. However, I have no problem believing that a known lying, whining, petulant, s**t-talking, Putin-cuddling, misogynistic, narcissistic, and utterly clownlike buffoon could chase a huge number into voting AGAINST his smirking visage.
Polarizing will repel that which it does not attract....
In case there was still any question on if they intend to cheat....
198 Dems voted against a bill that would require people to prove they are a US citizen when they register to vote in a federal election. What logical excuse can be made to not be supportive of that measure? We have many states that have made it a requirement to vote in state elections, so why wouldnt it be logical to have the same measure of proof for a federal election?
(07-12-2024, 10:42 AM)JimmyinSD Wrote: [ -> ]In case there was still any question on if they intend to cheat....
198 Dems voted against a bill that would require people to prove they are a US citizen when they register to vote in a federal election. What logical excuse can be made to not be supportive of that measure? We have many states that have made it a requirement to vote in state elections, so why wouldnt it be logical to have the same measure of proof for a federal election?
It's all on the up and up. lol
Gov. Whitmer Vetoes Suite of Voter ID Bills - Weight 2 - Michigan League of Conservation Voters (