biden was paid 5 million dollars as vp by burisma also 5 million for hunter for goverment policy favors . what a crook . most corrupt president ever and that doesn't even take into account. that he doesn't even know his name think people wanted Trump in jail for Hillary's hoax.wait Joe knew about that too same on all you that voted for this ass
Quote: @Viking1987 said:
biden was paid 5 million dollars as vp by burisma also 5 million for hunter for goverment policy favors . what a crook . most corrupt president ever and that doesn't even take into account. that he doesn't even know his name think people wanted Trump in jail for Hillary's hoax.wait Joe knew about that too same on all you that voted for this ass
Crickets from the media and Orange Man haters.
If Sleepy Joe and Trumplestilskin are both guilty I, for one, would push for a good old fashioned hanging party for both...and for any/all involved, for that matter.
Both main parties are traitor clubs, let's demonstrate that maybe, just maybe, the country is tired of being stuck with just two terrible options...!
Quote: @badgervike said:
They claim it was a joke, but only because Biden is rather senile and likes to say too much.
That and the 100s of billions for a Ukraine dictatorship, rounding up for accounting errors.